The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom will no longer issue new Cybersecurity Labels

The decision is based in particular on future EU regulations, which will introduce new data security requirements for devices connected to a network.

What is the Finnish Cybersecurity Label?

The label is granted to connected smart devices or services and that meet the information security requirements set by the National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI) at Traficom. The Cybersecurity Label is mainly intended for consumer smart devices. These include smart TVs, smart bracelets and home routers.

Why does information security matter?

The internet provides access to unlimited information and services. However, the safe use of the content and services available requires ensuring that information security is up to scratch. A prerequisite for good information security is not only a smart device that enables secure use, but also a competent user. Even secure devices may be unsafe if not used right. It is important for all users to learn to manage the information security features of their smart devices so that they are safe and secure to use. Learn more about how the Cybersecurity Label helps you make smart decisions when purchasing products or services.

Companies using the Cybersecurity Label

We recognised the need to improve the information security of connected devices – and created the Cybersecurity Label to tackle the issue. Many malware infections already concern smart devices, and studies show that the number of infections keeps growing. The requirements set for the Cybersecurity Label include features and operating methods that help protect against the most common threats. However, the Cybersecurity Label would not be able to deliver its benefits without pioneering companies that take their responsibilities seriously. The concept was tested and created with the pilot companies Polar, DNA and Cozify. The input of these three companies was vital to the creation process, and their products were granted the first Cybersecurity Labels. After the pilot phase, more companies and organisations have joined the scheme, including RuuviTag, Philips Hue and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL).

International cooperation

The cybersecurity authorities of Finland and Singapore recognise and accept the cybersecurity labels issued by each other and the related procedures. International cooperation between the authorities makes it easier for companies to tell consumers about the information security of their products on the global market for smart devices.
Polar, THL, Ruuvi, Wattinen, DNA, Philips hue, Cozify, Datek